Page 2 - MEX Express - Vol 5 Issue 4
P. 2                                                   FACTS AND FIGURES                                                                                       Volume: 5 • Issue: 4 • Year: 2013 A.D

     Market Capitalization - Futures Contracts                                   Know Your Commodities
          From OCT 2013 - DEC 2013 (in %)


Market Capitalization of all the future contracts listed in the        Corn, also called as maize, is one of            Fundamental Facts                                  an alternative fossil fuel due to the hike in the
MEX terminal. Gold continues to have the maximum capital-          the most important agricultural crops in                                                                energy prices; this has led to the increase in
ization followed by Micro Gold and Mini Gold                       the world. In the late 15th and early 16th               •	 Weather is an important factor for          demand for the ethanol. Thus, ups and downs
                                                                   centuries, when Americans were in contact            the production of corn. Any fluctuation in         of the fuel prices also affect the corn prices.
     Market Capitalization - Spot Contracts                        with the Europeans, explorers and traders            weather conditions like rainfall, temperature,
        From OCT 2013 - DEC 2013 (in %)                            carried corn back to Europe and introduced           soil moisture, etc. affects the corn supply.       Major Producers
                                                                   it to the other countries. Maize spread to           Likewise, natural calamities like floods,
Market Capitalization of all the spot contracts listed in the MEX  the rest of the world because of its ability to      drought, earthquake, etc. affects its production       The top producers of corn in the world
terminal. Nano Gold continues to have the maximum capitaliza-      grow in diverse climates.                            which ultimately affects the corn prices.          are United States of America, China, Brazil,
tion followed by Nano Silver and Gold.                                                                                                                                     Argentina and Mexico as per the records of
                                                                       Sugar-rich varieties called sweet corn are           •	 Any main event in major corn producing,     2012.
                                                                   usually grown for human consumption, while           consuming, importing, and exporting
                                                                   field corn varieties are used for animal feed        countries affects the prices of corn.              Major Consumers
                                                                   and as chemical feed stocks. It is believed
                                                                   that, it was first cultivated in highlands of            •	 Price fluctuation of substitute’s products      The top Consumer of corn in the world is
                                                                   Mexico thousand years ago.                           increases the demand volatility of corn which      United States of America, Brazil and China.
                                                                                                                        ultimately affects its price.
                                                                        There are various varieties of corn like
                                                                   – yellow, black kernels, red, pink and blue              •	 Any major technological change              CORN Contract
                                                                   which are often spotted, stripped or banded.         or fungus & diseases during production,             Specification
                                                                   Corn is the most widely grown grain crop             harvesting or distribution may increase or
                                                                   throughout the Americas, with 332 million            decrease corn productivity and supply which        Contract size	    10,000 Kg
                                                                   metric tons grown annually in the United             reduces the prices of corn.
                                                                   States alone. And of that, approximately 40%                                                            Price Quoted	     NPR per Kg
                                                                   of the crop — 130 million tons — is used for
                                                                   corn ethanol. It is mainly used to prepare               •	 The seasonal cycle of crop also affects     Unit	             Kilogram
                                                                   variety of foods (breads, muffins, cereal,           its prices. For example, the price of corn tends   Initial Margin	
                                                                   popcorn, meal, corn oil, etc.). The usage of         to be lower during its harvesting seasons and      Trading Session	  7,500 NPR
                                                                   corn also expands to its use as sweeteners,          higher at the time of sowing due to its tight
                                                                   alcoholic beverages, ethanol, etc.                   supply.                                                              00:00 - 01:00, 06:45 – 		
                                                                                                                                                                                             19:30, 20:15 – 00:00

                                                                                                                            •	 Corn is extensively used for the ethanol    Contract Months   March, May, July, Sept,
                                                                                                                        production; therefore demand of corn for the                         & Dec
                                                                                                                        ethanol production also influences the price
                                                                                                                        rise of corn. Ethanol has expanded its use as

              Major Market Movers for Corn and Gold (1st October-31st December 2013)

              CORN                                                                                                                                                                         GOLD

14.40                                                                                                                         36000
14.20                                                                                                                         35000
14.00                                                                                                                         34000
13.80                                                                                                                         33000
13.60                                                                                                                         32000
13.40                                                                                                                         31000
13.20                                                                                                                         30000
13.00                                                                                                                         29000
12.80                                                                                                                         28000


Note:         News                                                                                        Note:         News
              Opening Price as of 1st October 2013                                                                      Opening Price as of 1st October 2013
Date	         Prices fall as lack of data from USDA                                                       Date	         Golf prices fall after FED decides of an early cut to the Federal Reserve’s stimulus program.
 10/1/2013 	  Due to ethanol production up by 30%, corn price was down by 1%.                              10/1/2013 	  US dollar strengthens suppressing gold and silver prices
 10/7/2013	   The adaptation done by the farmers and general public made the price move up.                10/7/2013	   Dollar strengthened after the Federal Reserve subdued tapering concerns about its billion-
10/16/2013	   Prices showed up with sufficient volatility after the increment in the Canadian pulse.      10/28/2013	   friendly stimulus program	 Dollar strengthened after the Federal Reserve subdued tapering
10/29/2013	   Harvest in full swing in the US, producers offering discounts push down prices               11/8/2013	   concerns about its billion friendly stimulus program
 11/2/2013	   Due to the unimpressive National Feedstuffs Market Review, the interest of the traders got                Fed announcement that the central bank should continue its stimulus measures to support the
11/14/2013	   diverted and the prices fell to lowest.                                                     11/20/2013	   growth of its ailing economy.
11/26/2013	   Due to Memphis Daily Grain Report and two other impressive Daily Grain Elevator bids,       11/25/2013	   Silver prices stabilizes as Euro Banks are downgraded by S&P attracts investors
              Kentucky and Nebraska, the prices increased to highest.                                     12/10/2013	   Gold heading up as markets react to the statements from the US as well as lowered demands from
12/26/2013	   Closing Prices as of 31st December 2013                                                     12/19/2013	   China and India.
                                                                                                          12/27/2013	   Fed tapering its stimulus measures during the mid of the month.
12/31/2013	                                                                                               12/31/2013	   Demand from the Chinese and the Indian markets for the day ebbed on the downside
                                                                                                                        Closing Prices as of 31st December 2013

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