Page 4 - MEX Express - Vol 6 Issue 4
P. 4 MARKET PERSPECTIVE Volume: 6 • Issue: 4 • Year: 2014 A.D
Role of Market Maker in
Commodity Market
Buyers Sellers
Sellers Buyers
Market Maker
In simple language, a market maker is a buying price for investor. of risk because of the high number of units for prices in between in order to eradicate
person or brokerage house that is always • The spread range is depending on the nature they hold (their inventory). Market makers are huge gap ups and downs and to ensure a liquid
prepared to buy and sell securities in order entrusted with promoting market efficiency by market for all.
to provide liquidity to the markets. In other of product and quantity chooses of the keeping markets liquid. To ensure impartiality In reality, Market Makers make up the actual
word, market maker is an intermediary that is product by the investor. for the benefit of their clients, brokerage houses “market”. When a stock or option or commodity
willing and ready to buy and sell securities for • If a MM chooses spread 1 the 1 tick is who act as market makers are legally required trader places an order with a broker, that broker
a profitable price of instruments listed in the deducted and added to EPL Bid and Ask to separate their market making activities from fills that order by buying or selling with the
exchange. Market Maker is also a brokerage price respectively. i.e. if the product is gold their brokerage sales operations. Market Makers. A Market Maker supplies
house or bank that maintains a firm bid and then 2.5 is added to Ask price and deducted Then what will happen if there are no Market a bid and ask price and then let the public
ask price in a given security by standing ready, to Bid price. Makers in Derivative Market. decide whether to buy or sell at those prices.
willing, and able to buy or sell at publicly • Priority is depending on the quote with least Market makers have given option traders quite As an options trader, Market Makers are master
quoted prices (called making a market). spread and if the quote has same spread then a negative impression as people who buy at position traders who aim to establish and profit
These firms display bid and offer prices for it will depend on time. very low prices and sells at very high prices from every low risk and risk free opportunities.
specific number of specific securities, with the Market-makers serve a crucial role in financial just when an option trader is desperate to buy or However, when a Market Maker is not confident
reference to External Price Link (EPL) and if markets by providing liquidity to facilitate sell a position. Let’s see what happens when we that a stock or option or commodity can be so
these prices are met, they will immediately buy market efficiency and functioning. Post crisis, remove market makers from the markets. quickly bought and sold, due to the fact that
for or sell from their own accounts. A market several developments suggest that the behavior XYZ stock is an extremely bullish stock who there are only very few option traders or stock
maker makes a profit by attempting to sell high of these liquidity providers may change. Such has just announced fantastic earnings. You traders trading that security, then there is a risk
and buy low. Generally, market makers do not changes and their potential impact on fixed want to buy XYZ stocks but investors who are that a stock or commodity or option which that
seek to establish directional positions in the income markets are of particular interest to already holding XYZ stocks are not selling. In Market Maker buys can only be sold when the
market. Instead, market makers are willing to policymakers, given the relevance of these order to attract a seller, you begin to bid higher market price is lower than the prevailing price,
buy or sell an asset, striving to make a profit markets to monetary policy and financial and higher for XYZ stock until at last, a seller therefore resulting in a loss. In order to protect
by collecting some fraction of the difference stability. is moved to selling the stock. This price could against such a risk, Market Makers, widen the
between its offers to buy and to sell. Market By holding a disproportionately large number already be extremely high. bid-ask spread so that the transaction remains
makers establish quotes where the bid price is of a given security, a market maker is able to Consider again a sudden bad news released risk free to him over a larger price range.
set slightly lower than listed prices and the ask satisfy a high volume of market orders in a matter from XYZ Company, creating a rush to sell
price is set slightly higher in order to earn a of seconds at competitive prices. If investors XYZ stocks. You are queuing to sell but nobody Sunita Shrestha
small margin. are selling, market makers are supposed to keep is buying. In order to attract a buyer, you start Master of BusinessAdministration
The price quoting system in the market making buying, and vice versa. They are supposed to to push the price lower and lower until at last, SIAM College
is as follows: take the opposite side of whatever trades are the price bottoms out worthless.
• With the reference to External Price Link being conducted at any given point in time. In As we have seen, in an imbalanced buying Page 04
this sense, market makers are able to satisfy the and selling situation, market makers play an
(EPL), MM quotes the Bid and Ask price. market demand for a security and facilitate its extremely important role of creating liquidity
Here Bid Price is selling price and ask is a circulation. Market makers assume a high level
Editorial Board: Mr. Lakshman Pandit / Mrs. Liberty Shakya / Ms. Shubhechchha Mulepati
Mercantile Exchange Nepal Limited, Alliance Tower, 4th Floor, Charkhal, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal
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