Page 3 - MEX Express - Vol 7 Issue 1
P. 3                                  MEX NEWS PORTAL                                                                                          Volume: 7 • Issue: 1 • Year: 2015 A.D

AX1 MEX Trader Live in                            SPACE -                                               Launch of New Contract                             Upgradation of

ANDROID                                           A MEX Initiative                                      DSILVER100GM                                       DSILVER100GM

         from                                     In our constant endeavor of educating the                     from                                                into
23rd February 2015                                market participants and thereby fostering market      2nd February 2015                                  DSILVER1000GM

With high market demand for Mobile Trading, awareness, MEX Nepal is proud and privileged MEX released a new contract “DSILVER100GM”                                 from
                                                                                                                                                           2nd February 2015
MEX Nepal proudly launches the AX1 MEX to incorporate SPACE i.e. Strategic Participation from 2nd February, 2015. In addition to

Trader Live Platform in ANDROID from              in Commodities Education, in its website for          DSILVER1KG and DSILVER20KG MEX is                  The product DSILVER100GM whose delivery
Monday, 23rd February, 2015. after successfully   enhanced coverage.                                    proud to add one more option in the range of       vendor is Anand Jewellers has been revised and
going live in iPhone/iPad and MAC, MEX             SPACE is an informative & educative program          Physically deliverable products. This product      upgraded into DSILVER1000GM with effect from
Nepal had always been looking forward for this    catering to the needs of the market prospects by      has been specially launched keeping in mind the    Tuesday, 31st March, 2015. The new upgraded
ANDROID version of the trader. The version is     furnishing training on the various aspects of the     needs of the small traders and for this MEX has    product can be traded with decimal lot of 0.1 & its
compatible for Android 3 and above, however       commodity market. Having commenced the                tied-up with Anand Jewellers who shall be the      multiples and commission with be charged in the
Chat facility and Messages [Specially Margin      training program in mid-2014, the program has         delivery vendor for 100 GMs Silver and whose       ratio of trading unit. All other norms, procedures
Call Notifications] are not available. Similarly,  been successfully organized in various colleges       registered office is at Indra chowk, Kathmandu,     and process shall remain same.
Market Makers cannot place MM EPL Quotes          inside Kathmandu Valley. The encouraging              Nepal. Customers willing to trade in this product
through Android Trader and Sub Broker/AE          response from the colleges has made us believe        are required to open bank account in CCBL
can login and access/trade for the individual     that quality education from the pioneers in the       and provide bank statement & signed terms and
accounts but do not have option for Multi trade.  commodity market is imperative to drive the           conditions to its concerned Clearing Member for
                                                  industry forward.                                     further processing. Brokers are requested to use
                                                                                                        the attached “Revised Terms & Conditions” to

                                                  Through SPACE Programs MEX is conducting be signed by customer for trading in any of the

                                                  trainings not only for Business Colleges but also DSILVER products i.e. 100 GMs, 1 KG & 20 KG.

                                                  for various arrays of market participants, including

                                                  prospects of our Brokers.

                                                  Introduction of Individual
                                                         Market Maker

                                                     under a Broker from
                                                       1st February 2015

                                                  MEX Nepal introduced the very concept of
                                                  Individual Market Makers for the fist time
                                                  in Nepal. MEX Nepal now authorizes and
                                                  empowers its brokers to introduce individual
                                                  market makers (IMM) under them. This gives the
                                                  brokers to expand their business as well as ensure
                                                  diversification in the market.

                                                  MEX Anniversary & 6th Annual Awards on
                                                                  11th January 2015

MEX has completed its six glorious years in the Nepalese Commodity Market and is energetically ready to enter the seventh year of its operation. It always had a long-term vision for this and many more years
to go. On this auspicious occasion, MEX is highly gratified to all its valuable Members, Brokers, Sub Brokers, Clients, Stakeholders, Business associates and Well wishers for their continuous support as well
as the connections you all have shared with us. To celebrate this occasion as well continuing the legacy of annual awards, MEX successfully organized the 6th Annual Awards in the premises of Hotel Manaslu
on 11th January 2015.

The winners of the awards were as below:

1. Best Startup Broker - Three Star Investment Company Pvt. Ltd.
2. Best Emerging Broker - Banepa Investment Pvt. Ltd.
3. Best in Market Expansion - Sonata Investment Pvt. Ltd.
4. Best in Customer Focus - Fewa Trade and Investment Pvt. Ltd
5. Best in Market Expansion - Sonata Investment Pvt. Ltd.
6. Best in Ethics and Compliance - Laxmi Gold Investment Pvt. Ltd.
7. Most Loyal Broker - Norex Pvt. Ltd.
8. Best in Infrastructure - Jambhala Investment Pvt. Ltd
9. Executive of the year - Mr. Kanhaiya Ghiraiya Expedient Securities Pvt. Ltd
10. Broker of the Year - Money Plus and Securities Pvt. Ltd.

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