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P. 4                                       MEMBER’S PERSPECTIVE                                                                                            Volume: 5 • Issue: 1 • Year: 2013 A.D

Potentiality of Commodity

Market in Nepal

 Nepal is one of the least developed                        At the same time, stock market is being handled    the part of governments, donors, and the private        shows the importance of the commodity exchange
           countries in the world where most of        by the only government exchange and still operate       sector in developing countries reflect a drive          where farmer and traders can mitigate the risk
the people are still investing major parts of their    in manual manner, where simple transactions takes       to reduce transactions costs and a need for new         related to price and can also market their product
wealth in traditional and lugubrious sectors like      almost two weeks to get complete. Due to internal       commodity risk management tools. Improvements           effectively. Now Nepal is in transactional phase
land, house, jewallery, car etc. They prefer to        and external effects and unhealthy business             in the institutions serving commodity markets           possibly towards economic struggle. Commodity
stock wealth in their safe boxes rather than to use    practices, business companies are unable to boost       are especially important to developing countries        Market could be a vital tool for our country to gain
it in productive sector. In fact, they fear to lend    their business as it’s supposed to. As a result, stock  that remain heavily dependent on a small range          economic growth. It requires strong and combines
money for others as an investment too. This is due     value has been remaining bearish for last few           of commodities for export revenues. Growing             power of government and private sector. This is
to feeling of insecurity of wealth in the people.      years.                                                  interest of governments and investors has               how its potentiality of Commodity Market for
     How this insecurity has arises? Firstly, lack                                                             increasingly looked to commodity exchanges as           Nepal and Nepalese could be justified.
of proper government(s) policies is prime reason            In such circumstances, the commodity market        a means of managing risk in a liberalized market
behind this unproductive financial practice.           has shown some bright light for the Nepalese            environment.                                                                Binod Pd. Timsina
The government’s policy is unable to attract the       investors to sustain in the Nepalese business sector.
investment which is ultimately having negative         Although, the practice of this market has arrived            The production of commodity and its trade                                 M.D.
impact in the country’s economy. As a result,          quite lately, it has brought huge potentiality for the  affect the lives of millions of people in the country.                         Shree Rajshyamaji Investment
frequently unhealthy financial practice appears on     potential Nepalese investors within the country.        Therefore, development of commodity market                                     & Trade Center Pvt. Ltd.
existence and genuine investor’s are losing their                                                              holds key to the poverty alleviation and overall                               Kirtipur, Kathmandu.
hard saving. Such incident discourages investors            It is an international standard business of        economic development of the country. The major                                 Email:
for further investment. Secondly, prime purpose        the modern age. In the countries like United            problem faced by the farmer and trader is related to
of investment is to span wealth through business       States, Japan, U.K. Australia, Germany, Ireland         the price volatility and high marketing cost which
activities and to sustain the investment for long      commodity market is in practice for centuries
run. In current Nepalese business circumstances,       with active participation from investor. Emerging
it’s quite difficult to sustain business for general   countries like China, India, Brazil, South
investors. As the country is in the transactional      Africa etc are also actively participating in the
phase it’s been difficult to adopt and implement       commodity market which is also proved from
new investment policies for the government.            the rising volume of trade from these countries.
Finally, it’s been difficult to start industries as    Although, commodity market is in practice for
well because of cheaply imported product from          long period, the entry of Nepal in this market is
different countries. In these circumstances, Service   quite late due to lack of modern technology in the
sector alone is not sufficient to provide ample        field of communication. A beauty of commodity
ground for much investors and competitors, as the      market is that genuine investors can participate in
volume of the market is still small and dominated      this market in multi ways. A general citizen and
by externals.                                          a businessman both could take part and invest
                                                       in the market according to their requirement.
                                                       Growing interest in commodity exchanges on

Trends in Gold Prices:

An Insight into the future!

 Gold is a precious metal which is used both           Monthly Charts showing 10 years Gold price action                                                               has become quite logical for investment since it
           as a property and as a financial asset.                                                                                                                     has outperformed other assets class. However, the
Importance of gold has come until today increasing                                                                                                                     current consolidation of the price of gold can also
its value and the area of usage. Gold was the                                                                                                                          be linked to the recent years gold price bubbled.
fundamental of the money system in the past and                                                                                                                        The biggest question or confusion that exist in the
then became a reserve tool pegged to Dollar. After                                                                                                                     investor mind is regarding the trend of the yellow
1973 some European Countries let their exchange                                                                                                                        metal as its not sure whether it would go south or
rate float against dollar and convertibility of                                                                                                                        north. However, the technical part suggests that
dollar against the gold ended and under these                                                                                                                          the gold would be heading towards south which
circumstances gold has lost the property of being                                                                                                                      can also be conformed through daily, weekly and
a mean of exchange and become a personal saving                                                                                                                        monthly charts. It is hard to believe but fact is
tool and a part of Central Bank Reserves. In the                                                                                                                       that gold is still downtrend. Abundance of precious
recent years, demand of gold has expanded with the                                                                                                                     metals investors are either scared or in panic. They
widespread use of gold both in the industrial goods                                                                                                                    are still wondering if Gold is truly in a bubble or
and in the jewelry sector. However, developments                                                                                                                       the Bull Run in Gold prices is finally over.
in the financial sector and the alternative financial
instruments have decreased the importance of                                                                                                                                The rise in Gold price has lasted thirteen
gold as a store of value. Afterwards, demand of                                                                                                                        years or so (depending on which low one uses
gold tends to increase in the recent years, after                                                                                                                      as the main trough) and prices have managed to
the financial crises and individuals need for more                                                                                                                     rise from $250 towards $1900. In our opinion, the
secure investment tools.                                                                                                                                               most obvious support level at this point is at about
     The above charts signify how gold has rallied                                                                                                                     $1000. However, Support could easily be found
over last 10 years. Due to meltdown in the global                                                                                                                      at higher side, but for now we can stick with the
economic activity; investors, financial institution,                                                                                                                   $1000 while estimating the long term support level
government has taken precious metals as safe                                                                                                                           for this precious metal. Similarly, in Long run,
heaven. Due to its safe heaven perception gold prices                                                                                                                  the trend for gold is bearish, and the condition is
have remained strong over the last 10 years. Gold is                                                                                                                   also supported by the fact that monthly chart is at
also regarded as the hedging tools for the investors                                                                                                                   overbought zone; therefore, we have to assume that
during the period of inflation. To hedge against                                                                                                                       outcomes will be negative until some improvement
inflation central banks and also the institutional                                                                                                                     is seen.
investor tend to increase the holding of the gold
due to its safe heaven nature. Recent development                                                                                                                                         Pankaj Agrawal
in gold price trend shows that the price of gold has
entered into downtrend. Prices have dropped so                                                                                                                                                Norex Pvt. Ltd.
sharply that recent technical approach shows gold
for further consolidation. It is hard to predict the                                                                                                                                       Page 04
price movement in commodities; we have seen gold

Editorial Board: Ruchika Baidya /Shubhechchha Mulepati/ Sandip Nepal/Sharad Koirala
Mercantile Exchange Nepal Limited, Alliance Tower, 4th Floor, Charkhal, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4011542/43/44, Fax: +977-1-4011545/6 | e-mail:
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