Page 2 - MEX Express - Vol 15
P. 2                                                 FACTS AND FIGURES                                                                                   Volume: 5 • Issue: 3 • Year: 2013 A.D

     Market Capitalization - Futures Contracts                   Know Your Commodities
        From July 2013 - Septemer 2013 (in %)
       Market Capitalization - Spot Contracts
        From July 2013 - Septemer 2013 (in %)                        Coffee, a soft commodity in current          - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panama - Papua              TOP TEN LEADING PRODUCING
                                                                 commodity market, was initially discovered       New Guinea – Philippines - Rwanda - Sierra                COUNTRIES IN 2011/12
                                                                 in the 7th century and is now being produced     Leone - Tanzania - Thailand - Timor-Leste -
                                                                 by more than 70 countries globally. Coffee       Togo - Uganda - Vietnam - Yemen - Zambia           Countries           Production      % share of
                                                                 is also regarded as one of the important         - Zimbabwe                                                         (in thousand bags)  world total
                                                                 commodity and popular beverage where over                                                           Brazil
                                                                 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in      Major Importers                                    Vietnam                43484            32.4
                                                                 the world every day.                                                                                Indonesia              24058            17.9
                                                                                                                      European Union (Austria, Belgium,              Colombia                8620              6.4
                                                                      The major types of coffees that can be      Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,         Ethiopia                7653              5.7
                                                                 found at international markets are Robusta       Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,         Honduras                6008              4.5
                                                                 and Arabica, with the latter one believed to     Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,        Peru                    5705              4.2
                                                                 be of better quality compared to Robusta or      Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,            India                   5581              4.2
                                                                 any other coffees. Arabica, having bitter taste  Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,             Mexico                  5233              3.9
                                                                 and fewer flavors, accounts for about 80% of     Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) - Norway            Guatemala               4546              3.4
                                                                 all coffee produced in the world considering     - Switzerland – Tunisia - Turkey - United                                  3840              2.9
                                                                 its popularity and demand internationally.       States of America

                                                                     Brazil is the global leader in coffee        Fundamental Facts
                                                                 production followed by Honduras,
                                                                 Colombia and Peru and the lead producer              •	 Weather is the prime factor that affects
                                                                 has been producing almost one-third of all       the price of coffee. Unfavorable weather
                                                                 worlds’ coffee. Unprocessed or raw coffee        conditions in major coffee producing regions/
                                                                 are primarily supplied to multinational          countries affects production, which eventually
                                                                 companies like Procter and Gamble, Kraft,        affect the prices.
                                                                 Nestle, Sara Lee and other major related
                                                                 industries globally. Similarly, US, Germany      •	 Supply/Demand   fundamentals
                                                                 and Italy are the top coffee consuming
                                                                 countries.                                       significantly determines coffee prices.                   COFFEE Contract
                                                                     Regarding trading of coffee at               Similarly, any major changes in cropping
                                                                 international arena in future markets, New
                                                                 York and London are regarded as two major        patterns as it is closely integrated with demand   Name	           Coffee
                                                                 hubs for trading. However, considering the
                                                                 volume of coffee trading, New York Board         of coffee, drastically impacts the prices.         Symbol	         COF
                                                                 of Trade (NYBOT) stands as a pioneer in
                                                                 trade facilitator.                                   •	 All the coffee in the world is grown        Contract Size	  2500
                                                                                                                  in the bean belt. The bean belt is the region
                                                                 Major Exporters                                  between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.        Unit	           Kilogram

                                                                     Angola - Bolivia - Brazil - Burundi              •	 Brazil and USA, being the major             Price Quoted	   NPR/Kilogram
                                                                 - Cameroon - Central African Republic            producer and consumer of coffee respectively,
                                                                 - Colombia - Costa Rica - Côte d’Ivoire -        any major fundamental changes in these             Trading Hours   00:00-00:45; 14:15-00:00
                                                                 Cuba - Ecuador - El Salvador - Ethiopia          countries significantly affect the prices of this
                                                                 - Gabon - Ghana - Guatemala - Honduras -         soft commodity.                                    Contract Months	 Mar (H), May (K), Jul 		
                                                                 India - Indonesia - Kenya - Liberia – Malawi                                                                                 (N), Sep (U) &Oct (V)

             Major Market Movers for Coffee-Futures and Crude Oil-Spot

                 Coffee - futures                                                                                                                                                     Crude oil

230                                                                                                                                                           8400
225                                                                                                                                                           8200
220                                                                                                                                                           8000
215                                                                                                                                                           7800
210                                                                                                                                                           7600
205                                                                                                                                                           7400
200                                                                                                                                                           7200
195                                                                                                                                                           7000
190                                                                                                                                                           6800


Note:        News                                                Note:                                            News
             Opening Price as of 1st July 2013                                                                    Opening Price as of 1st April 2013
Date	        Improvement in weather concerns                     Date	                                            Weaker job data in USA
 1/7/2013 	  Return of the companies went at lower ends            2/7/2013 	                                     Pessimism spread throughout the energy market
 7/7/2013	   Decreased resistance level                          19/4/2013	                                       Strong demand of crude oil
31/7/2013	   Strong technical bullish signal                     31/7/2013	                                       Rise in the oil inventory
 2/8/2013	   Exports up by almost 7%                               5/8/2013	                                      Decrease in the demand of the crude oil
12/8/2013	   Warehouse stocks decreased                          20/8/2013	                                       US Federal Reserve Policy Meeting
21/8/2013	   Increased demand due to the flexible import duties  29/8/2013	                                       Stock reached 30-year high
30/8/2013	   Closing Price as of September 30 2013               11/9/2013	                                       Closing Price as of 28th June 2013	
16/9/2013	                                                       19/9/2013	
30/9/2013	                                                       30/9/2013	

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