Page 42 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
P. 42



With its initiative to educate the masses, MEX Nepal brings a plethora of
  educational resources so that a modern age trader is updated on the
            recent developments from the world of commodities!

                                                                                                                                                            Mercantile Exchange Nepal Limited
                                                                                                                                                                       Invest - Trade - Earn

                                                                                                                                                            An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Exchange

                                                                                                                                                            Exchange Solution:
                                                                                                                                                            A New Beginning!

                                                                                                                               ► State-of-the-art, cutting edge trading console with customizable features and more professional software platform                                               j:t' ljzi] f
                                                                                                                                     for better trading experience in line with the proposed regulatory parameters.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ds{G6fOn{ PS;rG] h gk] fn lnld68]
                                                                                                                               ► Complete Order Matching System with Price-Time Priority Execution.
                                                                                                                               ► Inclusion of MARKET DEPTH. Availability of Competitive Spreads- Market based on best quotes!                                                                             hxfF u5{ /fi6«n] sf/f]af/
                                                                                                                               ► Clients order EXECUTION AT BEST BID AND ASK!                                                                                                                    cfO=P;=cf=] ())!M@))* af6 dfGotf kf| Kt PS;rG] h
                                                                                                                               ► Flexibility of Contracts/Instruments in terms of contract sizes and types!
                                                                                                                               ► Flexibility to Market Participants CM, CM/MM, I-MM, Brokers, Sub-Brokers, Clients!                                                                            

                                                                                                                                     (Upcoming Phases: Warehouse Managers, Producers & Merchandisers)
                                                                                                                               ► Global standards followed for MMs Quoting & Matching to allow a level and fair eld for all the

                                                                                                                                     Market Participants, in its true sense!
                                                                                                                               ► Fully Customizable & Equipped with Liquidity providers to permit domestic products price discovery with

                                                                                                                                     deliverable options!
                                                                                                                               ► Localized trading of globalized commodities-Simply GLOCALIZED!
                                                                                                                               ► E cient order tracking system, along with Times and Sales Stamp, Advanced Charting Facility, Client Pro ling, Broker

                                                                                                                                     Pro ling available leading to more transparency.
                                                                                                                               ► Multiple access to traders account are possible.
                                                                                                                               ► Back End Console for Broker & Clearing Member level.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Business Model at MEX facilitates
                                                                                                                                                     COMPLETE RISK MITIGATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: ARE YOU PART OF MEX YET?



  Online Trading System                                      Trade Amount   Without Margin Trading                    Margin Trading                                                                                                                      ds{G6fOn{ PS;rG] h gk] fn lnld6]8
                                                             Buying Price   NPR 40,00,000                             NPR 86,000
  You can watch the prices of                                Selling Price  NPR 40,000 /10 Grams                      NPR 40,000 /10 Grams                                                                                                                           hxfF u5{ /fi6«n] sf/f]af/
  commodities online through various                         Profit         NPR 40,500 /10 Grams                      NPR 40,500 /10 Grams                                                                                                                  cfO=P;=cf=] ())!M@)!% af6 dfGotf k|fKt PS;rG] h
  devices (Desktop, Andoird, iPhone,                                        =40,500-40,000                            =40,500-40,000
  iPad, Mac) and trade accordingly.                          Returns (%)    =500/10 Grams                             =500/10 Grams                                                                                                                    d]S; g]kfn
                                                                            =50,000/1 KG                              =50,000/1 KG
  Liquidity                                                                 =(50,000/40,00,000)*100                   =(50,000/86,000)*100                                                       !))) ± b}lgs cf;} t sf/fj] f/ !( ˆor" ;,{ !! :k6, !% cK;g / ^ efl} ts x :tfGt/0f x 'g] j:ts' f] sf/f]af/ &@ ± a|fs] / *))) ± u|fx s
                                                                            =1.25%                                    =58.31%
  Trading in the commodity market                                                                                                                                                                dsG{ 6fO{n PS;rG] h g]kfn lnld6]8 -d]S; gk] fn_ gk] fnsf] Ps kd| 'v sdf]l86L PS;r]Gh xf] . o;sf] :yfkgf !$ cu:6, @))& df eO{ % hgjl/, @))( af6 sf/fa] f/
  removes the hassles of finding a                           Two-Way Trading                                                                                                                     ;~rfngdf cfPsf] xf] . d]S;n] cfˆgf] :yfkgf sfnb]lv g} g]kfnL j:t'ahf/sf] ljsf;sf nflu lg/Gt/ k|of; ul//xs] f] 5 . PS;r]Ghsf] bl} gs sfd–sf/jflx cg'ejL
  counter party as experienced in the                                                                                                                                                            / of]Uo ;dx" x?n] cfˆgf] ljif]z1tfsf] k|ofu] u/L q'l6lalxg tl/sfn] OdfGbfl/tfsf ;fy cfˆgf] lhDdj] f/L jxg ul//x]sf 5g\ . PS;rG] hn] lgDg ljifodf ljif]z Wofg
  other financial markets. For a buyer,                      You can take advantage of price movement in the products either by                                                                  lbPsf] 5 .
  there will always be a seller and vice                     expecting the price to go up or go down. A simple briefing of 1 kg Gold,
  versa.                                                                                                                                                                                              8]l/el] 6e sf/f]af/sf nflu kl/If0f ul/Psf] cgnfOg{ sf/fa] f/:yn -:jrflnt sf/fa] f/ k0| ffnL_

  Round the Clock Trading Facility                                                                                                                                                                    lgikIf dN" o cfljisf/sf] ;+oGq

  The market functions round the clock.                                                                                                                                                               dN" osf] kf/blzt{ f
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ;Ifd /fkm;fkm k0| ffnL
           Invest - Trade - Earn
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Exchange                          Trading Bullish Market                           Trading Bearish Market                                                             dS] ; g} lsg <

  Banking Transaction Only                                   36,060                                           36,020                                                                             d]S;n] ahf/sf] g]t[Tj ug{ ;kmn xg' 'sf k|dv' sf/0fx?M
                                                             36,050                                           36,000                                                                             j:t' tyf ;j] fdf gljgtf
  The flow of funds in the commodity                         36,040                                           35,980
  markets are channelized only through                       36,030                                           35,960                                                                                  gk] fndf k0" f{ ?kdf :jrflnt sf/fa] f/ k|0ffnL / rf}la;} 306f sf/f]af/ u/fpg] klxnf] PS;rG] h .
  the bank accounts. So, legitimate                          36,020                                           35,940                                                                                  kl/ist[ sf/f]af/ :ynsf] ljsf; ug{] . sf/fa] f/Ln] cfk"m cgs' 'n pknAw ;l' jwfsf] ko| fu] ug{ ;Sg] . ;fy} lgodg lgsfon] lgb]{lzt ug;{ Sg]
  forms of banking transactions are                          36,101                                           35,920                                                                                  cfjZos dfkb08nfO{ dWogh/ ul/ ljsf; ul/Psf] :jrflnt sf/f]af/ k|0ffnL .
  involved at all times.                                     36,000                                           35,900                                                                                  ahf/df clwstd t/ntf k|jfx ug{ g]kfnd} klxnf] k6s ahf/ lgdft{ fnfO{ Ps leGg PsfO{sf] ?kdf kj| z] u/fpg] PS;rG] h .
                                                             35,990                                           35,880                                                                                  cgnfOg{ dfkmt{ \ k;} f lemSg] ;l' jwf k|bfg ug]{ g]kfnsf] Ps dfq PS;r]Gh . o;n] u|fxsnfO{ s]lx ldg6] d} k;} f lemSg ;xofu] ub5{ .
  Margin Trading [Leverage facility]                         35,980                                           35,860                                                                                  ;;+ f/sf] t];f| ] tyf Pl;ofsf] klxnf] PS;r]Gh h:fn] cfsl:ds cfjZostfsf] avt ckmnfOg{ ;xfotf pknAw u/fpFb5 .
                                                             35,970                                           35,840                                                                                  :yfgLo :t/df pTkflbt j:t'x? h:t}M cnl} r, cfn', cb'jfsf] ef}lts x:tfGt/0fsf] nflu Jofks cg;' Gwfg ul//xs] f] PS;r]Gh .
  Margin: The amount of equity
  contributed by a customer as a                                            Current  Future                           Current  Future                                                            pknAw ˆo"r;{ j:tx' ?                                   pknAw :k6 j:tx' ?                        pknAw efl} ts x:tfGt/0f xg' ] j:tx' ?                pknAw cK;g j:tx' ?
  percentage of the current market                                           Price   Price                             Price   Price
  value of the contract held in a trading                                                                                                                                                        ax'd"No wftM'                                         axd' "No wft'M                                   rf“bLM @) s]=hL=-u|fgP' N;_                   ;g'
  account.                                                                   Expecting the price to Increase               Expecting the price to Decrease                                       ;'gM ! s]=hL= -*@%) u|fd_ / !) uf| d                  ;g' M !)) uf| d / ! uf| d                        rf“bLM ! s]=hL=-af/_                          rf“bL
                                                                   Trader bought at 36,000 & sold at 36,050   Trader sold at 36,000 & bought back at                                             rfb“ LM #) s]=hL= -*&=%) s]=hL=_ / @%) u|fd           rfb“ LM %,))) uf| d / @% uf| d                   rfb“ LM !,))) uf| d -u|fgP' N;_ -*!)) u|fd_   sRrf tn]
  The customer does not have to block                        35,900                                                                                                                              Kofnfl8odM ! s]=hL= -*)=%) s=] hL=_                                                                    ;'gM !) u|fd -l;Ssf_
  the entire contract value for Trading.                           thereby making profit of 50X100=5000          thereby making profit of 100X100=10000                                          Knfl6gdM ! s=] hL= -*)=%) s=] hL=_                    cfB} fl] us wftM'                                s'v'/fsf] c08fM & qm]6 -7n" f_]               ;do cGt/fnM ! ldg]6, % ldg]6, !)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tfdfM !,))) s]=hL= / @%) s=] hL=                 s'v/' fsf] c08fM & qm]6 -dWod_                ldg]6, #) ldg]6, ! 306f
  Example of Gold (1 KG)                                                                                                                                                                         cf}Bfl] us wftM'                                                                                                                                                                        tfdfM !,))) s=] hL= -*@%) s=] hL=_                    phfM{                                                            * Gog" td vl/b÷lalqm kl/df0f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       sRrf t]nM @)) cd]l/sL Aof/n / %)
                                                             *Traders will have similar kind of loss if the market doesn’t move as per the expectation.                                          phfM{                                                 cdl] /sL Aof/n
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sRrf tn] M @%) Aof/n -*^@=% Aof/n_                    kf| sl[ ts Uof;M @,))) Pd=Pd=la=l6=o=' /
                                                             Hedging Facility                                                                                                                    kf| sl[ ts Uof;M @,%)) Pd=Pd=la=l6=o='                %)) Pd=Pd=la=l6=o'=
                                                                                                                                                                                                 -*^@% Pd=Pd=la=l6=o=' _                               aG|] 6 qm8' M @)) cd]l/sL Aof/n
                                                             You can minimize or eliminate a particular risk that you face from a                                                                a]G| 6 qm8' M @%) Aof/n -*^@=% Aof/n_
                                                             potential future price movement in the product.                                                                                     lxl6ª cfonM !),))) ln6/ -*@,%)) ln6/_

                                                             A simple example of a farmer,                                                                                                       s[lifM
                                                                                                                                                                                                 skf;M %,))) s=] hL= -*!,@%) s]=hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 dsM} !),))) s=] hL= -*@,%)) s=] hL=
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ux“M' !),))) s]=hL= -*@,%)) s=] hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sfs] fM @,%)) s=] hL= -*!,@%) s]=hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 skmLM @,%)) s]=hL= -*!,@%) s=] hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 e6df;M !),))) s=] hL= -*@,%)) s=] hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 e6df; t]nM !),))) s=] hL= -*@,%)) s]=hL=_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 lrgLM !),))) s=] hL= -*@,%)) s=] hL=_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  * Gog" td vl/b÷lalqm kl/df0f
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