Page 2 - MEX Express - Vol 6 Issue 3
P. 2                                                      FACTS AND FIGURES                                                                                     Volume: 6 • Issue: 3 • Year: 2014 A.D
      Market Capitalization - Futures Contracts
            From July 2014 - September 2014 (in%)                     Know Your Commodities


Market Capitalization of all the future contracts listed in the MEX   Introduction                                                  Fundamental Facts                       in Asia & Africa, political instability
terminal. Gold has the maximum capitalizaiton followed by Micro Gold                                                                • The major exporters of copper         hampers the price.
& Crude Oil.                                                              Copper is a metal that has been                       are Chile, Peru, Australia and Canada. So
                                                                      known to the world since ancestral times.                 any news regarding the production pattern       • Drastic changes in the weather
      Market Capitalization - Spot Contracts                          From 8,700 BC, copper has been mined                      from these counties will affect the copper  conditions also contribute to the price
          From July 2014 - September 2014 (in%)                       and worked continuously in different                      price.                                      change as the productions and the transport
                                                                      countries i.e. West Africa to China to                        • On the contrary, China, Japan,        of copper is affected. A case in point was
Market Capitalization of all the spot contracts listed in the MEX     Europe to Central and South America. It                   India, Korean Republic is the top most      the earthquake in Chile in 2010, which
terminal. Nano Gold continues to have the maximum capitalization      is one of the best electrical conductors,                 importers of copper. The demand patterns    affected the country’s production and the
followed by Nano Silver and Brent Crude.                              and its existence has helped to tie the                   from these countries also influences the     export from the country thereby leading to
                                                                      world together in telecommunication.                      price of copper.                            inflating prices in the global markets.
                                                                      Copper is also used to create alloys in
                                                                      combination with other metals like zinc,                      • China being the largest copper            • Copper is infinitely recyclable.
                                                                      bronze, aluminum etc. Light red in color                  consumer, the Chinese currency, Yuan,       Approximately one-third of the copper
                                                                      and easily oxidized to a                                  affects the price of copper.                consumed worldwide is recycled.
                                                                      gritty green hue, copper
                                                                      can be useful to serve many purposes                          • As a commercial metal, copper             • Copper was first used
                                                                      such as Building/ Construction (50%),                     is mostly used in the housing, automotive   decoratively, its color and malleability
                                                                      Engineering (24%), Electrical (17%),                      and electrical industries. Therefore,       making it easy to form ornaments and
                                                                      Transportation (7%) and Miscellaneous                     any changes from the major economies        jewellery. It is one of vital constituent of
                                                                      Uses (2%). The top 5 producers in the                     regarding the aforementioned industries     carat silver and gold.
                                                                      year 2013 were Chile (Mine production:                    will influence the prices drastically.
                                                                      5,700,000 tons), China (Mine production:                                                                  Copper @ MEX
                                                                      1,650,000 tons), Peru (Mine production:                       • As copper is produced in most
                                                                      1,300,000 tons), United States (Mine                      part of the world, various factors hamper       • Copper has been trading initially
                                                                      production: 1,220,000 tons) and Australia                 the price. In North and South America,      in the futures platform and later on the
                                                                      (Mine production: 990,000 tons).                          labor conflict affects its price whereas     spot contracts in the MEX platform.

                                                                      Major Exporters & Importers of                                                                            • Copper is the only base metal
                                                                                  Copper-2013                                                                               available for trading in the MEX terminal
                                                                                                                                                                            at present.
                                                                      Exporters                             Importers
                                                                                                                                                                                • Investors in MEX have been
                                                                      1. Chile          1. China                                                                            trading regularly in copper withstanding
                                                                                                                                                                            the influence of its more illustrious
                                                                      2. Peru           2. Japan                                                                            competitors including gold, silver and
                                                                                                                                                                            crude oil.
                                                                      3. Australia      3. India

                                                                      4. Canada         4. Korean Rep.

                                                                      5. Indonesia      5. Spain

                                                                      6. United States  6. Germany

                                                                      7. Brazil         7. Bulgaria

                                                                      8. Spain          8. Brazil

                                                                      9. Mexico         9. Finland

                                                                      10. Mongolia      10. Philippines

                                                                               Source: International Copper Study Group (ICSG)

           Major Market Movers for Copper & Crude Oil (1st July-30th September 2014)

                                        Copper                                                                                                                              Crude Oil

                     600                                                                                                                                8000
                     500                                                                                                                                7000
                     400                                                                                                                                6000
                     300                                                                                                                                5000
                     200                                                                                                                                4000
                     100                                                                                                                                3000
                        0                                                                                                                               1000

             Prices                                                                                                                               Prices

Note:                7/1/2014                                                                               Note:                                                 7/1/2014
                              7/8/2014                                                                                                                                    7/15/2014
Date                                    7/18/2014                                                                                                                                  7/22/2014
7/1/2014                                         7/25/2014                                                                                                                                 8/21/2014
7/8/2014                                                   8/14/2014                                                                                                                               8/30/2014
7/18/2014                                                           8/25/2014                                                                                                                              9/11/2014
7/25/2014                                                                     9/3/2014                                                                                                                             9/16/2014
8/14/2014                                                                               9/8/2014                                                                                                                            9/22/2014
8/25/2014                                                                                        9/30/2014                                                                                                                          9/30/2014
9/8/2014   News                                                                                             Date                News
9/30/2014  Opening Price as of 1st July 2014
           Upbeat Chinese Manufacturing Data                                                                7/1/2014 Opening Price as of 1st July 2014
           European Industrial Production fell by 1.1%
           Chinese Manufacturing Activity rises to 18 month high                                            7/15/2014 Libya Increases Oil Output
           Chinese PMI fell to 50.0
           Growing Optimism from US Economy                                                                 7/22/2014 Escalating Tensions in Ukraine and MENA Region
           Growing Concern of Chinese Economy
           Strengthening of US Economy                                                                      8/21/2014 Increased Supply from Iraq
           Closing Prices as of 30th September 2014
                                                                                                            8/30/2014 USA decreases supply by 2.1 Million Barrels

                                                                                                            9/11/2014 Rate Cuts from ECB

                                                                                                            9/16/2014 Better-than-expected USA Empire State Manufacturing

                                                                                                            9/22/2014 Weak Economic Data from China

                                                                                                            9/30/2014 Closing Prices as of 30th September 2014

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