Page 4 - MEX Express - Vol 6 Issue 3
P. 4                                                                MARKET PERSPECTIVE                                                                     Volume: 6 • Issue: 3 • Year: 2014 A.D

                  Derivative Instruments in Commercial Banks of Nepal

In giant economies like US and EU commodity             become more volatile than before. Futures contracts   forward contracts have become the primary trading        of respective currencies that they are exchanging.
  market is taken as a backbone of success of their     are the oldest way of investing in commodities.       instruments in commodity markets. Futures are            Different use of derivatives instrument is observed in
respective countries. But in Nepal it is a common       Futures are secured by physical assets. Commodity     traded on regulated commodities exchanges. It            our banking sector but banks are not properly using
myth that commodity market is a “Gambling               markets can include physical trading and derivatives  is common to find financial companies to use               it for hedging purposes. So a full-fledge grown up
Center”. Many people believe that one who is an         trading using spot prices, forwards, futures, and     derivatives, such as forwards, options, futures, swaps   market is not seen although almost all commercial
active market player in this market is a gambler. This  options on futures. Futures are a great vehicle for   to hedge risk. But this scenario is hardly seen in our   banks are using different derivatives instrument.
conservative thinking is pulling back the growth of     hedging and managing risk; they enhance liquidity     country, although our commercial banks are using         It is all because of lack of awareness among market
commodity market in Nepal. Unless this behavior         and price discovery. However, they are complicated    instruments like Forwards, Swaps but excessive use       players regarding commodity market; many people
of thinking commodity market as a gambling house                                                              is not seen, and banks are using it for their client     think that derivatives are ‘time wasting’ assets in
changes, our country can’t taste the success of         and one should understand them before starting        but not for themselves. Our banking sector is in         the sense that their value declines as their maturity
economic development. It will be hard to say that       trade.                                                preliminary stage and still much focus is needed in      date approaches. Critics also contend that futures
commodity market is not present in Nepal in fact it is  Farmers have used a simple form of derivative         this particular sector. Since bank is a profit making     and other derivatives are used by speculators to bet
in a developing stage. In developed economies like      trading in the commodity market for centuries for     institution they are always in safe and profitable side.  on the market and take on undue risk. Many people
USA, China, Japan, Russia, etc different derivative     price risk management. Derivatives such as futures    Forward is used as NDF (Non-Delivery Forward),           are still unaware about commodity market. Lack of
instruments are used for hedging purposes. They are     contracts, Swaps, Exchange-traded Commodities;        Swaps is used in FOREX market and some                   supervision and proper guidance from NRB (Nepal
using it for minimizing the risk associated in futures                                                        commercial banks are using Options in our Nepalese       Rastra Bank) hinder in progress of commodity
market and they are doing quite well.                                                                         market. Clients usually come to bank in favor of         market. So due to this reason efficient market is
Derivative is a security whose price is dependent                                                             asking them to lock the price while they are trading     hardly seen. There is a need that policies of NRB
upon or derived from one or more underlying assets.                                                           with foreign parties to ensure safe trading and          be revised, new plan and policies be formulated and
A derivative itself is merely a contract between                                                              minimize loss due to price fluctuation in future, so      more action oriented task be taken into accordance
two or more parties. Its value is determined by the                                                           this arrangement is facilitated by bank by charging      with commodity market and use of derivative
price fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most                                                           some premium.                                            instrument.
common underlying assets include stocks, bonds,                                                               Overall, it is believed that banks are doing futures
commodities, currencies, interest rates and market                                                            agreement but all conditions are pre-set and are                                   Lalbabu Sah
indices. Most derivatives are characterized by                                                                exercised at exercise date and order is executed.                                  MBA (5th Trimester)
high leverage. Derivatives are generally used as an                                                           While in case of denomination of currency banks                                    Apex College
instrument to hedge risk, but can also be used for                                                            are exchanging currency of one type with other
speculative purposes.                                                                                         (let’s say, Dollar is exchanged with Japanese Yen),
In the new millennium, the financial market has                                                                so they are earning from the spread of interest rate

                  What to look for when investing in Gold?

For centuries, the yellow bullion has played a major role in                    3. Dollar strength                                                               economy) will positively affect gold consumption demand in India and
     economies and cultures across the world. Gold is one of the                Since the global market of gold is denominated in US dollars, the strength       China offsetting the selloff by investors. We can see from the chart
most sought after commodities around the world from an investment               and the weakness of the currency has a major influence on the price of            below that for now, interest rates and gold prices are still strongly
perspective and is even more significant as an investment asset in               the metal. All else equal, whenever the dollar strengthens, it takes lesser      correlated.
South Asia and China due to its widespread use in traditional jewelry.          amount of dollars to buy the same amount of gold. As the dollar strengthens,
In undeveloped markets like Nepal, where the financial sector is far             gold prices decrease and vice-versa. Furthermore, anytime there is risk of       6. Market sentiment, speculation, and investing
from mature, gold presents one of the very few opportunities for an             the debasement of the US dollar, both individual and institutional investors     Investors and speculator naturally tend to gravitate towards assets
investor to diversify their investment portfolio (other areas being real        (including central banks), tend to flock towards gold, driving its price          where they are expecting higher returns and when the market sentiment
estate, fixed deposits, and to a certain level public equities).                 upwards. The inverse relationship between gold prices and dollar strength        is at a high, it means they are expecting strong returns in riskier assets
Investing in gold can be nerve wrecking due to its volatility and               is depicted in the chart below:                                                  such as equity. At such times capital moves from risk free assets
relatively quick reaction to economic and political developments.                                                                                                and safe havens to riskier and potentially more profitable assets like
While there are many benefits of including gold in one’s portfolio, this         4. Economy                                                                       equities, driving the price of gold down.
article will explore various factors that influence gold price both in the       One of the factors affecting gold prices is the overall state of the economy.    Gold acts as one of the best hedges against currency devaluations and
short run as well as the long run.                                              When the economy is doing well, most investments provide a healthy               inflation as such, speculators in currency investments create massive
1. Demand and Supply                                                            return and conversely, when the economic climate is unfavorable most             capital swings, driving the price of gold accordingly.
Like any commodity or most other goods and services, the law of                 investments provide lower or uncertain returns. At such times, investors         All of these factors influence gold prices and at times certain factors
supply and demand applies to gold as well. The price is directly                tend to move towards safe haven assets such as gold, driving its price up.       are moving in opposing directions. As an investor in this commodity,
proportional to the demand and inversely proportional to the supply of          Gold’s historical record of performing well in crisis periods supports this      it is paramount to thoroughly explore and understand each of these
the metal. The demand and supply itself however varies on numerous              theory.                                                                          factors to determine where the next price swing is going to take place.
factors. Gold is used for jewelry fabrication, for industrial uses in           5. Interest rates                                                                While no investor in the world can predict the direction of gold or any
technology, for investment purposes in the form of gold bars and coins          As interest rates of risk free assets rise, it is only natural for investors to  other asset for that matter, the better ones take well thought through,
or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and by central banks primarily as a            replace gold with such assets, as the opportunity cost for holding gold gets     researched, and calculated risks and increase their odds of success.
hedge against currency devaluation.                                             higher. One of the primary reasons for the increase in opportunity cost of
The supply of the metal is determined by mine production, net                   holding gold is that it offers no yield compared to an interest-bearing risk-                                         Yurop Shrestha
producer hedging, and recycled gold. Both the demand and supply of              free asset like a treasury bond.                                                                                                 Director
the metal have been steadily declining over the past three years, with          It is important to note that as Chinese and Indian gold demand takes up a
the total supply and down 5% in 2013 compared to 2012 and down                  higher percentage of the overall gold demand share, interest rates will be
7% in the third quarter of 2014 compared to the same period last year.1         less of a factor. The higher interest rates (which would mean a stronger
2. Central banks and mining companies
Central bank’s net purchases constituted almost 10% of the global
demand of gold in 2013 and they currently hold roughly 16% of all
produced gold.2 Central banks often buy gold reserves to hedge against
inflation, devaluation of its currency, and the devaluation of its foreign
reserves. Conversely, when the value of the USD and other foreign
currencies increase, central banks often sell their gold to shore up their
foreign currency reserves. Since these purchases or sales occur in
huge bulk quantities, they have an almost immediate affect on gold
Gold mining companies control large supplies of gold and it is in their
interest to maintain high prices for the metal (at least enough to recoup
their mining expense and make some profit). When the gold prices
are on a downtrend, mining companies usually hold on to their gold
reserve, which limits the supply in the market, effectively creating an
artificial price floor for the metal. Such artificial ‘hoarding’ is known
as net producer hedging.
1The London Gold Market Fixing Ltd.; GFMS, Thomson Reuters; World Gold Council

Editorial Board: Mr. Lakshman Pandit / Mrs. Liberty Shakya / Ms. Shubhechchha Mulepati / Mr. Vivek Risal                                                               Page 04
Mercantile Exchange Nepal Limited, Alliance Tower, 4th Floor, Charkhal, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal
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