Page 2 - MEX Express - Vol 14
P. 2                                                                 FACTS AND FIGURES                                                                                    Volume: 5 • Issue: 2 • Year: 2013 A.D

           Most Popular Blog                                                     Know Your Commodities

Cardamom prospects for the                                                       Platinum
commodity exchange!
                                                                                     Platinum (Pt) is one of the scantest pure          • As a precious metal, the price movement        TOP TEN PLATINUM
Nepali land is inhabited by numerous types of flora and fauna though being        metals on earth with an average abundance          of gold also affects the platinum prices as it    PRODUCERS-2011 (in Kgs)
a small landlocked country. But it does not make any sense if we keep on         of approximately 5μg/kg. It is usually found       will determine the market psychology for the
claiming that we are naturally rich unless and until we actually utilize it and  in limited quantity in some nickel and copper      product.                                          South Africa              145000
economically productive output can be generated out of it. There are many        ores. On earth, 80% of the platinum is found                                                         Russia                     25000
such agricultural commodities which are highly produced in the country but       in South Africa, 11% in Russia and 6%              Factors affecting pricesof Platinum               Zimbabwe                   10600
due to un-commercialized trade and hooliganism in business, and lack of          in North America. It is 30 times rarer than                                                          Canada
proper subsidies many farmers are getting demotivated from the agricultural      the yellow precious metal i.e. gold and is a           The major factors affecting the prices of     United States of America     7000
production.                                                                      least reactive metal. It is one of the members     platinum are:                                     Japan                       3700
For the full version of the blog, please follow the link:                        of a group of six chemical elements that                                                             Columbia                    1765                         are referred to Platinum Group Elements,               Supply and Demand                             Botswana                     1231
commodity-exchange/                                                              commonly called as Platinum Group Metals.              The supply and demand of platinum are         Finland
Posted on: 9th April 2013                                                        Other members of the group are: Palladium,         the major factors affecting the prices. The       Australia                     600
Total Views: 4                                                                   Iridium, Osmium, Rhodium and Ruthenium.            factors driving the supply and demand side                                      400
Start Blogging-Say it loud                                                       It is silvery-white, lustrous, malleable and       are price, income, input costs, socio-political                                 130
MEX encourages its valued members to come up with blogs and                      ductile. Its ductility is more than gold, silver   disruptions, availability of substitutes
articles related to futures market which would be posted in our website,         and copper, thus making itself the most            and complimentary substitutes, consumer           South Africa              Japan
accompanied with the member’s advertisements as well.                            ductile pure metal whereas the malleability        preference, technological changes and             Russia                    Columbia
Mail your contents to                                         of gold is higher than that of platinum. It is     governmental activities.                          Zimbabwe                  Botswana
So start blogging and learn to market your company                               also one of the densest metals known as it is                                                        Canada                    Finland
                                                                                 significantly denser than gold. Because it is           Ratio between US Dollar and South             United States of America  Australia
          Market Capitalization                                                  highly heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant,
                                                                                 it is preferred as a tradable metal commodity.        African Rand (ZAR) Rates                          CONTRACT
        From April 2013 - June 2013 (in %)                                       The trends up to now show that generally the           The prices for platinum are highly sensitive  SPECIFICATION
                                                                                 price of platinum rises during the times of        to the ratio between USD and ZAR. The main
Market Capitalization of all the commodities listed in the MEX terminal.         political or economic instability of the major     reason for the weakening of the greenback has     Name             Platinum
Gold had the maximum market capitalization followed by Small Gold                economies in the world.                            been the widening current account deficit. The     Symbol           PLT
and Mini Gold.                                                                                                                      fact that most of the South African platinum      Contract Size    1000
                                                                                 Some Facts about Platinum                          miners cost are mainly in ZAR while their         Unit             Gms
                                                                                                                                    revenues are wholly in USD makes this ratio       Price Quoted     NPR/10 Gms
                                                                                     • Because it is one of the rarest metals on    extremely important to the platinum mining        Trading Hours    03:45 – 02:45
                                                                                 Earth, there are evidences of wild fluctuations     industry. Another implication of the strong       Quality          99.95% pure
                                                                                 in demand and supply of the commodity thus         ZAR is its impact on the supply of platinum to    Contract Months  Jan (F), Apr (J), Jul (N)
                                                                                 increasing its price volatility and risks for the  the market. The strengthening ZAR will see                         & Oct (V)
                                                                                 investors.                                         a continued supply shortfall in the market. In
                                                                                                                                    short-the platinum is heading through a new
                                                                                     • Platinum prices show high correlation        era where the ZAR will set the prices.
                                                                                 with the international prices, especially the
                                                                                 global currency dollar, so the strengthening           Market Cyclicality
                                                                                 or weakening of the dollar highly affects the          The market research have proven that most
                                                                                 price of the platinum.                             precious metal commodities can be described
                                                                                                                                    as having some degree of cyclicality-there is a
                                                                                     • As the major uses of the platinum are        duration dependence on the length of phases.
                                                                                 in the automobile industries and jewelry           These phases or cycles are contradictions or
                                                                                 making, the economic situation of USA,             expansions in market prices and are clearly
                                                                                 Europe, Japan, China, India, etc. affect the       seen in platinum prices over a period of time.
                                                                                 prices of platinum as the demand will be           The term phases are defined as the period of
                                                                                 differently placed.                                prices occurring between a price peak and
                                                                                                                                    price trough. There is increasing likelihood
                                                                                                                                    that a drop in the price of a commodity as
                                                                                                                                    a phase of relatively high prices for that
                                                                                                                                    commodity persists.

                     Major Market Movers for Soybean and Wheat

           PLATINUM                                                                                                                                         CRUDE OIL

45000                                                                                                                               8000
40000                                                                                                                               7800
35000                                                                                                                               7600
30000                                                                                                                               7400
25000                                                                                                                               7200
20000                                                                                                                               7000
15000                                                                                                                               6800
10000                                                                                                                               6600
 5000                                                                                                                               6400



Note:      News                                                                  Note:                                              News
           Opening Price as of 1st April 2013                                                                                       Opening Price as of 1st April 2013
Date       Improvement in US Money Market                                        Date                                               Weaker job data in USA
 1/4/2013  Optimistic employment conditions, improving consumer market             1/4/2013                                         Pessimism spread throughout the energy market
 3/4/2013  Strong technical buying                                                 5/4/2013                                         Strong demand of crude oil
15/4/2013  Fed increasing the Asset Purchasing Program                           17/4/2013                                          Rise in the oil inventory
29/4/2013  Strengthening of US Dollar Index                                        6/5/2013                                         Decrease in the demand of the crude oil
 3/5/2013  Stronger fundamental vibes in the market                              15/5/2013                                          US Federal Reserve Policy Meeting
20/5/2013  Reduced demand due to the increased import duties                       3/6/2013                                         Stock reached 30-year high
 7/6/2013  Closing Price as of June 28 2013                                      19/6/2013                                          Closing Price as of 28th June 2013
27/6/2013                                                                        24/6/2013
28/6/2013                                                                        28/6/2013

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