Page 4 - MEX Express - Vol 14
P. 4                                       MARKET’S PERSPECTIVE                                                                                               Volume: 5 • Issue: 2 • Year: 2013 A.D

Global Impact of Quantitative Easing in Developed Economies: A Retrospective View

 The term ‘Quantitative Easing’ has been                                  languish badly. Many countries        Euros into Eurozone in an effort to prop up the           on a sudden and massive scale. This put a huge
          one of the most discussed topics in the                         in the world adopted a slew of        collapsing economies of many member countries.            pressure on the exchange currency rates of these
financial media circle. So, what is this Quantitative                     stimulus packages in a bid to         On the other hand, the U.K’s QE policy is reported        emerging economies and the world witnessed one
Easing? Why is there such a big hype about it in                          revive their ailing economies. And    to have infused liquidity to the tune of 375 billion      of the most rapid intraday decline in the Asian
the financial circles?                                                    one among them is Quantitative        pounds with a goal of reviving its ailing economy.        currencies, especially in India whose INR touched
     Though ‘Quantitative Easing’ is a complex                            Easing policy. So, the major world    Lately, Japan struggling with fluctuating markets         a life time low of 58.98 against the USD. This
topic let us discuss the underlying basic principle                       economies like USA, U.K, the          and stagnant economic growth has decided to               has led the emerging economies, especially the
in simple terms. ‘Quantitative Easing’ is a financial                     Euro Zone, and Japan, employed        further pump 1.4 trillion dollars into its economy        BRICS nations, to criticize the countries with QE
policy that is employed by a country’s central bank                       Quantitative Easing (QE) with         in the next two years.                                    policies.
to increase liquidity in the markets and in turn                          an intention to reboot economic
boost the growth of the economy. To achieve this,                         growth by increasing liquidity.            All of these economic stimulus packages had               Apart from the effect on emerging nations the
the Central Bank will infuse cash into the economy                        But, this QE apart from affecting     created a lot of liquidity in the western economies       QE policy also had considerable effect on the prices
by purchasing assets from all the major Banks                             their own economies also started      and markets. But, the market sentiments being             of bullion and other commodities like the crude oil.
and financial institutions in the country. This will                      to have a ripple effect all over the  dull in the western world with gloomy economic            The Gold and crude oil prices fluctuated due to the
essentially provide a cash surplus to these banks      globe, affecting many emerging economies in the          forecasts and near zero interest rates; it inevitably     prospects of an early QE policy wind-up. History
that are suffering from a credit crunch. Now, these    Asian world.                                             caused huge capital outflows towards other                shows how the previous QE policies adopted by
banks can lend this surplus money to cash-strapped          During the financial crisis, apart from             more promising economies. Since the emerging              countries like Japan had adversely affected the
borrowers in the economy. Since borrowing is           these four advanced economies many emerging              economies were having moderate growth and                 Asian economies and had partly caused the Asian
made easier the interest rates will drop, causing      economies too employed QE like policies to prop          bullish markets, the western financial institutions       financial crisis in 1998. The countries with QE
consumers to spend more and businesses will            up the demand in their fluctuating economies.            invested huge capital in these markets to take            also form the global basket of reserve currency
start thriving again. As per the economic theories,    While these emerging economies seem to have              advantage of the better returns and interest rates.       and hence play a major role in the fluctuations
increased spending means increase in consumption,      overcome the crisis with bright prospects of             Though this provided huge capital inflow to the           of the currencies of emerging economies. So, it
which will in turn fuel the demand for goods and       economic growth, the same is not the case with           emerging economies like Asian countries, it also          would be in the best interest of global economy, if
services. This results in an increase in production,   these four major economies and the other western         inflated the debt in the balance sheets of their          the countries pursued their QE stimulus packages
creating more job opportunities. Ultimately, the       countries. These countries are still battling with       companies. Their companies kept increasingly              with adequate caution and responsibility towards
intended result is to revitalize the ailing economy    a sluggish economy, declining industrial outputs         borrowing the foreign capital that flowed from            the Asian and other emerging economies of the
of a country.                                          and modest improvement in their unemployment             the countries in QE-phases. This has made these           world. One has to wait and watch, whether these
     Due to the global financial and economic crisis   reports. This has forced them to persist with their      companies that previously had healthy debt to             countries’ next round of QE policy, whose effects
of 2008, the leading economies of the western          QE stimulus packages to create more demand in            equity ratios more risk prone and vulnerable. This        have already jeopardized the currencies of Asian
world went into a deep recession, causing the          their market and attempt to stimulate a growth in        has placed them in a precarious position where            and emerging economies, further cast them into a
unemployment rates soar and industrial growth to       their declining industrial outputs.                      they are now vulnerable to the future changes in          deep financial crisis.
                                                            Countries like US have increased their QE-          interest rates in these countries and other western
                                                       phase cash infusion to larger doses as part of their     countries. This foreign capital inflow also put an                            Bir Bahadhur Dura
                                                       third round of stimulus package. As a result of          additional pressure on inflation rates in emerging
                                                       the previous two rounds of Quantitative Easing           economies like India that were already struggling                                Executive Director
                                                       policies, the U.S Federal Reserve has increased its      to rein in their spiraling inflation.                                            Fewa Trade
                                                       Treasury notes to 2.054 trillion dollars from a mere
                                                       700 to 800 billion dollars held before the recession          As a consequence of these inherent risks,
                                                       set in. With the current unemployment rate still         in the recent week the world saw an unusual
                                                       around 7.6%, the US federal Bank plans to further        volatility in the currencies of India, Brazil and
                                                       purchase around 40 billion dollars of mortgage-          other emerging economies. This was indeed
                                                       backed securities per month until unemployment           triggered by the fears of an early wind-up of the
                                                       rate declines below 6.5 percent.                         QE policies in developed nations like U.S. As the
                                                            Meanwhile, the European Central Bank (ECB)          interest rates started rising, the bond markets in
                                                       is reported to have pumped around 489 billion            the U.S became more attractive. This caused the
                                                                                                                western institutional investors to pull out of their
                                                                                                                investments in debt assets of emerging economies,



                                                       weapon to destroy its rival country, China in no         many U.S. Treasury notes that it is now the largest       those who hold dollars would be bound to sell them
                                                                                                                lender to the U.S. Government. As of January              at any cost. Here, the sellers which include: foreign
                                                       exception would allow itself to refrain from this        2013, the U.S. debt to China was $1.264 trillion,         governments who hold U.S. Treasuries, traders in
                                                                                                                23% of the total public debt. Many are concerned          exchange rate futures who trade the dollar versus
                                                       opportunity, particularly, when Washington is            that this gives China political leverage over U.S.        other currencies, and individual investors would
                                                                                                                fiscal policy, since it could call off its loan.          demand any other currency or assets than having
                                                       finding hard to crack the nuts of its staggering                                                                   dollars with them.
                                                                                                                     Whatever may be the China’s interest in
                                                       unemployment problem accompanied by huge                 buying treasury notes, but the predominant cause               Apart from this, the biggest problem that US
                                                                                                                for which China is striving for is to widen the           would have to suffer on account of the sharp fall
                                                       trade deficit which serves as the grave concern on       trade deficit for its rival US as its trade deficit with  in dollar is that it wouldn’t be in a position to
                                                                                                                China will compel U.S. companies to either lower          raise capital from selling treasury bonds as people
                                                       the super power status of the US.                        their costs or go out of business. To lower their         would find it unreliable to be invested in.
                                                                                                                costs, many companies have started outsourcing
                                                       The data till April 2, 2013 suggest, US debt             jobs to India and China, Vietnam being another                 In a nutshell, the race of superpowers though
                                                                                                                favorite destination, adding to U.S. unemployment.        seems to be favoring China as the top candidate for
                                                       held by the public is approximately $11.959 trillion     Industries with high production and operational           the same, however, the sole triumph on economic
                                                                                                                costs have simply dried up. US manufacturing,             front wouldn’t be enough to decide the fate of
                                                       or to put it differently, 75% of GDP. Moreover, if       as measured by the number of jobs, declined               superpowers rather it also requires the ability of
                                                                                                                34% between 1998 and 2010. As these industries            a nation to build international cooperation with
                                                       we consider the intra-governmental debt too, then        declined, so has the U.S. competitiveness too in          Rest of the World (ROW) in its foreign policy
                                                                                                                the global marketplace.                                   and most importantly, the ability to manipulate
                                                       the total public debt would toll $16.805 trillion                                                                  the international institutions like UN,World Bank,
                                                                                                                     Now let’s look into the secret plot of China         IMF etc. will be crucial to decide on the fate of
It might not be morning tea news of many               which is more than 100% of GDP. In addition,             to destroy dollar hegemony. Currently,China is            superpowers.
   people preferably, the ongoing efforts of           47% of the debt held by the public is owned by           holding $3.2 trillion of US reserves which nearly
                                                                                                                accounts to one-fifth of US GDP and, OPEC                                  Pawan Singh
the nations to lord over the race of super powers. foreign investors, the largest of which are the              countries which also hold substantial amount of
                                                                                                                dollar after China. Under these circumstances, if                             MA Economics, 2nd Year
Yet, historians would always believe it as an event People’s Republic of China and Japan, just over             China & OPEC, who have been the perfect rivals                                Central Department of Economics
                                                                                                                of US, tend to convert their dollars into Euro, then                          Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur
to discuss and remember as the first sign of the $1.1 trillion each. In the light above scenario,               there would be no way out for US dollars than                       
                                                                                                                to fall sharply overnights. Perhaps, falling dollar
undeclared soft war. However, unlike previous China can take some comfort in adopting beggars                   overnight or rapid dollar devaluation may lead to
                                                                                                                panic for those who deal in dollar. Therefore, all
wars, this won’t be fought with hard power thy neighbor policy by deploying the exchange

weapons like bombs and guns rather it would be rate of their currency via buying a disproportional

the forces of unfair economic strategies, the soft amount of dollars in order to keep their currency at

power weapons. US has been the superpower a rate lower than it would be in a free market. This

amongst all the nations since long but the scenario would allow them to produce export commodities

suggests that China would leave no stone unturned at cheaper rate and thereafter, the commodities

to strip off the economic power of its competitor like consumer electronics, clothing and machinery

(United States ) and thereafter enjoy the status of would be highly demanded by the US. And

being Superpower economy of the entire world.          therefore, it could “steal” manufacturing jobs from

In pursuance of gaining the super power status, the United States by attracting companies with

several nations have been adopting the policy of cheaper costs than would otherwise be available

beggars thy neighbor that seeks to promote a under freer market circumstances. However,

home country’s economy at the expense of another prevailing wisdom may be wrong

country. While this policy stands by with a secret     Notwithstanding all, ` China also buys so

Editorial Board: Ruchika Baidya / Shubhechchha Mulepati / Chittaranjan Pandey / Lakshman Pandit                                                                           Page 04
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