Page 15 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
P. 15

Africa and the region and so surpluses of white        less product to trade. The JSE members have              The past season
maize bode well for food security for the next year.   remained resilient and even though volumes traded          (2016/2017)
Soybean production was also at a new record of         remained down from the previous year at just over          saw a radical
1.3 million tons, Sunflower seed was at average        2.7 million contracts, the open interest is at a solid     turn around in
production levels of 870,000 tons, sorghum at          76% up reflecting the larger crop that was harvested
150,000 tons and finally, groundnuts and dry beans     across most grain types. Just like MEX, the JSE          production levels
combined production was around 160,000 tons.           Commodities area is fortunate that the growth of           of most cereal
Wheat is expected this year to be just less than       the exchange business can be attributed to really
1.6 million tons. The combined production of the       committed staff, member firms, clearing members         crops; following a
grains mentioned above for South Africa adds up        who guarantee the transactions and to storage           severe drought the
to just under 21 million tons.                         operators who issued warehouse or silo receipts
The South African grain market was deregulated in      and guarantee these receipts. Without committed            previous year
the mid-1990’s with the Government withdrawing         people, efficient systems and technology and
its active involvement in determining the              underlying commodity, developing the exchange           However, over the past 20 years, the country has
commodity prices and since then, the free market       business would have been very difficult.                witnessed policies implemented that destroyed
principles whereby willing buyers and sellers          As mentioned earlier, South Africa remains the          the incentives to produce commodities. With the
determine the value of the commodity. In 1995, the     key production player in the region, but that           change in presidency, there is renewed hope that
South African Futures Exchange for Agricultural        said Zambia also recorded excellent production          the new candidates will instil more investment
Products was established under the brand SAFEX.        surpluses across its grain producing commodities.       sound policies that will encourage the use of the
This exchange, over the years, has become the          Mainly focused on white maize production for its        fertile land of Zimbabwe.
price discovery and price risk management              stable food requirements, production was up to          Finally, also to mention Mozambique who saw
platform for grain products in South Africa trading    record just over 4.2 million tons, whilst soybean       ample rains this past season and produced enough
the underlying crops in some instances 15 times        was around 160,000 tons, wheat is expected to           white maize to be self-sufficient this year. There
over. The exchange is an electronic marketplace        be around 350,000 to 400,000 tons this season.          are a number of initiatives both from Government
through which the registered member firms offer        Zambia is well positioned to become a major             and Private Sector that look very encouraging to
access to clients to either trade through them or      producer in the region with available land that         increase production of commodities in this country
through a member supplied trading system, they         could see total grain production increase to close      by improving transparency of trade and better
are able to enter orders directly onto the exchange    to 10 million tons in the coming years. In my           storage of commodities.
platform. The SAFEX market, which was more             opinion, to achieve this, the country would like        So, for South Africa and the region, 2017 was a
recently rebranded following the acquisition by        to see consistent Government policy regards             year of surplus production especially for its stable
the Johannesburg Stock Exchange of the derivative      the marketing of grain with no or very limited          food of white maize, this did mean lower prices
market to the JSE Commodities Market, has              intervention when it comes to pricing of the stable     for farmers but the benefit of cheaper food for the
through its ability to integrate with the range of     food. This should encourage further private sector      majority people who rely on the stable food was
over 250 delivery silos/ delivery points, across       investment into infrastructure development of           also achieved. We will continue to work hard to
the country, ensure that price convergence of the      storage and also production techniques to further       ensure the price risk management tools through
futures contract to that of the spot market is easily  improve yields. The opportunities are huge for          futures and options contracts to work well not only
achieved by making or taking physical delivery is      Zambia and with the recent commitments from             in South Africa but also how other regional players
something that is easily executed. The market also     the Government to allow the free market to take         can use them to remove the price volatility that
relies on electronic warehouse receipts to record      its course, things are really looking positive for      frequently impacts the commodity markets.
and reflect the transfer of ownership of grain in      Zambia, however, time can only tell if the policies
the storage sites. Thanks to electronic receipts       will remain consistent providing private sector the
and the JSE’s easy physical delivery system, we        confidence to commit for longer-term investments.
find that financial institutions easily offer finance  ZAMACE which refers to the Zambian Commodity
of warehouse receipts which millers, traders and       Exchange continues to play a crucial role as the
producers take advantage of whilst we also see         licensing authority for the issuing of warehouse
financial hedge funds getting more involved in the     receipts under legislation in the country and also
physical delivery markets adding further liquidity     has ambitions to develop a transparent spot market.
and competition to spread trades.                      ZAMACE is also working with the JSE to roll out
Although it has been a tough year for the JSE          a US Dollar traded and cleared derivatives contract
Commodities Exchange, many of the market               on white maize, wheat and soybeans.
participants still recovering from the severe drought  Another country which has new hope is Zimbabwe,
from the previous year where there was significantly   previously a major grain producing nation.

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