Page 17 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
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for stop loss (SL) order. However, an SL may be       a look for market’s gold holding or overall net       fewer chances to jump unusually and if possible
calculated during trading hours too with the help     positioning. If the net position is long then it      then follow the world market clock. This helps us
of a technical indicator called Average True Range    supports uptrend and netting is short then this       to enhance our confidence for trade entry. While
(ATR). Simply, traders must be ready sensitively      supports the downtrend. Along with this report,       trading in gold, a trader should watch US Dollar
to lose money before executing the position. If s/    other major fundamentals should be kept an eye.       Index (DXY) at least whether both are justifying
he is not ready then s/he is simply not ready to      Fundamentals are basically used to find reversal or   opposite to each other or not. Likewise, silver
enter in the derivatives market. In a normal case,    continuation of a trend.                              is assumed to have a similar trend with gold
more than 2-5% of total capital is not advisable at   Have the Logical Pattern: Once long or short is       thus need to be checked if both are having same
all for taking the risk. Risk can be subdivided and   fixed then look at the chart minutely to find the     patterns or not. This has been noticed several
adjusted into a number of lots at one time.           reliable candlestick patterns, breakouts. In case     times that fundamentals do not work in the case of
Allocate Position Size: After defining the risk       the market is up-trending then W-top, reverse head    a major breakout and gold moves only technically.
capacity, traders should fix the overall position     & shoulder, ascending triangle, falling wedge,        Additionally, volume indicator may be followed
for execution which must not go off more than         double bottom, bullish symmetrical patterns,          for the accuracy of trade. This step eliminates
the predetermined risk. While defining the            triple bottom, bullish pennants break out, bullish    the fear factor of entry decision and assists in
position sizing, Risk/Reward ratio (1:3) need to      flags break out should be looked for and if gold      staying away from being trapped in temporary
be maintained for good results which helps again      is discounting or in downward trend then, Head        bullish spike or bearish spike. However, price gap
mathematically to win at the last on the theory of    & Shoulder, descending triangle, rising wedge,        provides golden clues for entry which has to be
probability. 2/3rd of the fund should remain in the   double top, bearish symmetrical triangle, triple      filled sooner or later.
account as free margin while trading or to avoid      top, bearish pennants break out, bearish flags        Note Down: Never delay in initiating orders or
unwanted margin call due to anomalous price           break out need to look out. Once any of the above     putting limit order, otherwise, a single confusion
movement. Position size should be balanced under      reliable patterns appears in cooperation with a       may lead to a wrong trade or ruin the whole set
the consideration of total investment, free margin,   trend, entry levels are traced out or noted. Price    up. It is strongly advisable to write down all the
volatility level and pips. The single position        action methodology may help the trader to find        essential details on the paper i.e. commodity
does not mean only the investment in terms of         current forming crucial patterns too. It may be       name, contract expiry time, entry point, exit
the initial margin but thought to be the notional     perilous to enter the trade until logical evidence    point, Stop Loss (SL), Take Profit (TP), indicator
value of contracts as profit/loss (P/L) is always     appears in the chart if we are considering trading    observation, entry and exit price criteria,
the outcome of total contract value although it is    as a business.                                        fundamental supportive reason. When these are
leveraged trading.                                    Mark the Entry & Exit Point: After tracing            done then have a time and keep away from the
Know Trend Indicator: Years of research work          the entry level, look for entry point which could     trading system so emotional reactivity shall not
opine to use well-known trend indicators rather       have a deeper price point in uptrend and topper       intervene in the trade. There will be only one
than popular ones which do not have confidence        in down trending. There are many ways to find         execution either TP or SL and even if trader needs
among all the learned tools. This is the first thing  out entry and exit points with help of support and    to be in the market before hitting any limit order
to use onto Trader Work Station (TWS) to identify     resistance, Commodity Channel Index (CCI),            then try to use trailing TP or use SL as TP is used
the trend with the help of technical indicators.      Average Directional Index (ADX), Parabolic            in case the market is favoring with green profits
This can be done by drawing the trend lines, using    SAR, Ichimoko Kinko Hyo, Relative Strength            as trailing orders help to account the possible
the Simple Moving Averages (13 Days Period)           Index (RSI), Average True Range (ATR) etc.            prevailing profit.
in normal market condition, line charts with          Although, while calculating the entry and exit        Gold is the commodity which accounts for high
broader time frame etc. It is advisable to go with    points, traders must recall the risk/reward ratio to  volatility even in normal market conditions
the trend, however, be cautious with the point of     avoid possible trading stress. Entry point should     which imply a good chance to make a good
reversal trend. “Buy with uptrend” and “sell with     be for lower time frame while the exit in the higher  trade with calculated risk. If this is traded with
downtrend” strategy should be prudent. Either         time frame. For bullish trends, bullish engulfing,    proper trade management and analysis then it
long or short decisions should be determined          morning star, bullish marubozu, three white           rewards the trader in expected ways than other
here without any mystifications. One must note        soldier, bullish harami candlesticks signal may       derivative commodities. This does not require
the major economic news which may bring the           be referred and while gold is in bearish, bearish     effort but numerous arranged sets of information
reversal at any point of time, however, there are     engulfing, evening star, bearish marubozu, three      on real time basis. This kind of derivative trading
always chances to change the trend due to High-       black crows, bearish harami may be taken into         involves high risk and reward, therefore, without
Frequency Trading (HFT) but it might be for a         consideration. Predetermined and calculated exit      knowing the contract values and its terminology
certain period of time.                               and entry point help the traders to avoid impulsive   as well as basic trading principle, one must not
Summarize the CFTC-COT Report: Technical              emotional factors during the live market price.       enter the market. However, one thing can be
analysis is significant although, at the same time,   Assure for Reconfirmation: It is advisable to          assured that gold derivatives help those traders
fundamental analysis can be used for better trade     follow the trending patterns of parallel or non-      who can ascertain gold price movement patterns,
results. If fundamental is justifying the technical   trending pattern for unparalleled commodities,        market sentiments, overbought and oversold
analysis then the trade has a maximum probability     indices, securities which may be US Dollar Index      region perfectly. Gold trade management is the
to go to the green side. The Commitments of           (-ve), Silver (+ve), Russia Stock (+ve), Dow Jones    positive approach towards the logical trading
Traders (COT) reports should justify the uptrend      (-ve), S&P/TSX Global Gold Index (+ve), GDX           style for the commodity and business where risk
or downtrend for our assurance where anyone           ETF (+ve) where positive sign means positively        is minimized for winning profitability. Before
may refer net positions in gold that is basically     correlated and negative sign means negatively         actual trade order placement, the trader requires
establishing the direction of the factual trend.      correlated to the price of gold. As gold is globally  proper analysis, position and risk management.
COT Reports are published every Friday at 3:00        traded thus inter-market analysis is crucial for      Gold lets the traders shine who catches the reason
PM EST. where gold position takers may have           support because the price is almost correlated and    of its price fluctuation.

                                                                                                            MEX NEPAL YEAR BOOK 2017 | 16
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