Page 70 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
P. 70

Research Paper & Articles

            Fiscal Year             07/08     08/09     09/10     10/11     11/12     12/13      13/14      14/15      15/16 16/17*
                                           2       1.9       1.5       1.3       1.3       2.1        2.1          3        3.1 1.7
Principal Payment/       In %                        5       3.5       3.6       3.4       1.5          2
GDP                                      4.1                                                                     3.8
                                      375.6     425.1     440.4     443.7     523.2     545.3      553.5      544.9
Budget Deficit/GDP       In %                   125.7     148.1     184.2       214     211.9      206.7      201.7       3.1     6.5
                                        116               256.2     259.6               333.4      346.8      343.3    627.8   624.5
Total Outstanding   Rs. in billion      250       277    16773     16749      309.3    20041      20068      19493
Debt                                 14711     16416      231.7     253.6    19488      434.6      543.3      617.3
                                      142.7     209.7                         359.6       68.8
Outstanding         Rs. in billion      53.6                66.8      66.2                57.4       66.9       71.7   239 233.2
Domestic Debt                           41.7      56.2      53.5      52.9      64.8                 58.6       64.5
                                        10.7      44.4      11.4      11.9      52.7       9.9
Outstanding         Rs. in billion      18.9      10.6      17.8      16.2      10.6      17.7        7.2          6   388.8 391.3
Foreign Debt                             6.6      19.9                          17.2                 18.1       19.9
                                        60.7                 6.1       5.9                 6.2
Per capita               Rs             41.8       7.2      68.8      67.1       6.1      77.6        6.5        7.3   22159 21749
Outstanding Debt                        23.7      63.8                50.8        74      59.8       79.7       88.2
                                         7.3      43.9        51     -12.9      56.4                 61.6       68.2
Remittance Income Rs. in billion        27.2      41.4     -28.1                76.0        57       89.7     108.3    665.1   699
                                       -19.9                           4.7       4.9       4.5                          80.3   86.9
Total Domestic           In %            2.3       6.9       5.1        29        30      32.8        4.7           4
Credit/ GDP                              2.6      28.8      31.4     -24.3     -25.4     -28.3       36.4       36.4
                                        17.5     -21.9     -26.3       1.8                          -31.7      -32.4
Private Sector           In %            2.9                                       2          2                        75.3 78.1
Credit/ GDP                             29.7       2.8       2.4         2         2       2.3           2       2.5
                                      212.6        3.2       2.7      18.5      23.5      25.6        2.1        2.5
Net Government           In %           11.7      21.2      19.4      -0.9         5                 27.7         29   3.9 7.7
Credit/GDP                                         4.2      -2.4      4.09  131.63            3       4.6        5.1
                                         9.4      44.8      -3.3    272.2     439.5     68.94     127.13        145
Narrow Money             In %                   286.5     268.9                 11.6    533.3      665.4      824.1    22.4 22.1
Supply/GDP                            65.02       12.2       8.7       8.4                         11.47      12.98
                                                                                10.3      10.2
Current Deposit/         In %                       10       7.4       7.3                           9.97     11.19    7.8 7.3
GDP                                                                           81.02        8.7
                                                76.88     74.54     72.27                          98.25      99.49
Broad Money              In %                                                           87.96                          99.9 100.2
Supply/ GDP

Fixed and Saving         In %                                                                                          77.5 78.1
Deposits/ GDP

Current Account     Rs. In billion                                                                                     140.4   -4.6

Export/GDP               In %                                                                                            3.1       3
                                                                                                                        34.4    37.4
Import/GDP               In %                                                                                          -31.3   -34.4

Trade Deficit/GDP        In %                                                                                            1.9     2.1

Income from              In %

Expenditure on           In %                                                                                          2.5 2.7

Remittance Income/       In %                                                                                          29.6 26.9

Current Accounts         In %                                                                                          6.2 -0.2

Balance of          Rs in billion                                                                                      189 51

Foreign Exchange    Rs in billion                                                                                      1039.2 1090.2

Capacity of              Months                                                                                        16.48 13.76
Reserves to cover
Import of Goods

Capacity of              Months                                                                                        14.09 11.88
Reserves to Cover
Import of Goods
and Services

Exchange Rate              Per US                                                                                      106.35 106.94

* Annual Preliminary Estimates
# Base Year 2005/06=100
^Base Year 2000/00 = 100

This reclassification allocates capital grants into current expenditure and share and loan investment on public enterprises under financial management. Note:
Ratio of GDP is calculated at the current producers’ Price. Some figures are updated accordingly as they are updated by the sources themselves.

                                                        Source: Economic Survey Fiscal Year 2016/17, Ministry of Finance, Government of Nepal

   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75