Page 75 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
P. 75

When considering an investment in commodities, or any
asset class for that matter, make sure that you chose liquid

 instruments so that you are able to buy and sell without
 problems and at the cheapest cost in terms of execution.

Liquidity is a measure of how easily an asset can      soybeans, bag of coffee or even a herd of cattle’s   within the same sector that have differing degrees
be exchanged. It essentially means how quickly         are examples of the physical staples that are at     of liquidity. There are examples in all of the major
you can get money out of it. Your investments          the heart of the commodity markets. Other than       sectors including other metals, energies, grains,
can be said to have a stronger liquidity when you      these physical assets, everything else that trades   soft commodities and animal proteins or meats.
can quickly convert them into the cash. Cash           is a derivative- an instrument with a price that     In order to distinguish between commodity
and commodity, usually have a high liquidity           reflects the value of the underlying hard asset,     markets that are liquid and those that are not,
because they are really easy to access and trade.      the commodity. Physical commodity trading            certain requirements are necessary to define a
In contrast, the real state is generally less liquid,  generally occurs between producers, traders          market as liquid. These requirements generally
especially in times of economic crisis as it may       and the ultimate consumers in most commodity         include the following characteristics:
take long time to sell it. Liquidity can refer to two  markets. However, it is in the derivative markets    •	 There must be an active spot or cash
different areas; Liquid market and Liquid assets.      where speculators, investors, arbitrageurs and
Liquid market means there are always investors         other interested parties to bring liquidity to            underlying market in the physical commodity.
on the market willing to trade securities at every     these assets. Think of a commodity market as a       •	 There must be numerous buyers and sellers-
price level. It is a market with high trading          pyramid. At the top are the assets themselves-
activity, whereas a liquid asset is an asset that can  below there are derivatives. The next level of this       hedgers, speculators, investors and others.
be easily turned into cash. There is no specific       liquidity pyramid is the over-the-counter (OTC)      •	 There should be an open, transparent and
liquidity formula. However, there are two              markets.
common measures you can use.                           When it comes to commodities, different raw               non-discriminatory delivery mechanism.
The current ratio is a financial formula which         materials offer different degrees of liquidity to    •	 There must be a well-defined relationship
divides the current assets by the current              market participants. Examining some of the most
liabilities. Another equation is the quick ratio       liquid and less liquid commodity sectors and              between the derivative and the physical
that subtracts the inventory of the current assets     specific markets will help us to understand the           commodity.
and divide the results by current liabilities. For     concept of liquidity.                                •	 There should be a mechanism to exchange
both the ratios, higher results indicate higher        Precious Metals: The most liquid precious metal           the cash commodity and the derivative.
liquidity and greater financial health. Liquidity      is gold. This is because gold is the precious metal  •	 There should be the convergence of the cash
is an extremely important when considering your        with the greatest degree of trading activity. Gold        price and prices that reflect future delivery
trading positions and even your ability to exit        trades in the physical market and it trades in            over time.
them. Liquidity ensures you can easily get in and      the OTC forward and swap markets. There are          The futures markets have been successful in
out of the market.                                     liquid futures and options contracts on exchanges    attracting liquidity because they meet all of these
Buying or selling an asset easily without              as well as ETF and ETN products of the metal.        characteristics. When it comes to commodities,
disrupting price in a market creates the conditions    Other precious metals have varying amounts           one can measure the liquidity of specific futures
necessary for a liquid asset. Liquidity generally      of liquidity. Consider another precious metal,       products by examining daily trading volumes and
occurs when an asset has a high level of trading       rhodium. Rhodium only trades in the physical         open interest, the number of open but not closed
activity. Investing in liquid assets is generally      market; therefore, gold is far more liquid than      long and short positions. The higher volume and
safer than investing in illiquid ones because of       rhodium because there are no futures contracts       open interest, the more liquid the market.
the ease of getting into and out of the positions.     in rhodium                                           Liquidity is important for all assets, particularly
When it comes to commodities, which tend to be         Energy: Perhaps the most liquidly traded and         commodities. Liquidity ensures market
more volatile than other asset classes, liquidity is   ubiquitous commodity in the world is crude oil.      participants the ability to buy and sell easily. This
a key concern for numerous traders.                    However, another energy commodity, coal does         attracts speculators and investors to a market. An
In the world of commodities, the raw materials,        not trade to the extent or with as many derivatives  illiquid market tends to be far more volatile than
trade in a number of different fashions. It all        as crude oil does. Therefore, crude oil is more      a liquid one. Perhaps the most important attribute
starts with the physical commodity markets. A          liquid than coal.                                    of liquidity is that it lowers the cost of trading
barrel of oil, bar of gold, truckload of corn or       These are but two examples of commodities            or investing. When considering an investment in
                                                                                                            commodities, or any asset class for that matter,
                                                                                                            make sure that you chose liquid instruments so
                                                                                                            that you are able to buy and sell without problems
                                                                                                            and at the cheapest cost in terms of execution.

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