Page 77 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
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Myths 1: Rising interest rates pressurizes rate and dropped it to less than 1 percent in gold price recoiled to a near five-month
metal prices. 2009. The Fed fund slumped to the all-time low on 11 December 2017. The gold prices
There is always a strong negative correlation lowest of 0.25 percent in December 2008. have tumbled in December 2017 depicting
between interest rates and gold price. When The immediate and cautionary step taken by the market anticipation of the interest rate
interest rate increases, the return on the other the Federal Reserve helped to recover from hike and its negative impact on the gold
financial assets increase but as gold does not the recession. In February 2009, gold price price. However, despite the action which
provide such returns, the opportunity costs rose above $1,000 per troy ounce as investors was against gold attractiveness, the price
for holding it increases. Hence, the demand piled into gold to preserve wealth amid the rose on 13 December. Analysts suggest that
will decrease and so the price of gold falls. tumbling stock market. weakening of US Dollar due to unchanged
Similarly, lower Fed interest rate on cash and The gold price had touched it peak of projection of interest rate hike supported the
bonds coincides with the greater attraction of $1,917.90 per troy ounce on August 22, 2011. gold price.
gold on an investment. The qualms after Morgan Stanley warned Decoding Fed Interest Rate Rise in 2017
However, there is a big misconception that that the US and Europe were dangerously Reason 1: US Unemployment Rate had
interest rate hike results in the weakening close to a recession caused the gold price to displayed a stable decline in 2017. As per
of gold. Higher interest rates are not rise. Debt issue in the US and Europe were the data published by the US Bureau of
unconditionally adverse for gold. playing a huge role in investors buying gold. Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for
Myth 2: Interest rate is the only factor that However, after reaching the peak point, gold October was just 4.1 percent. This indicated
affects gold price price slowly started to decrease and till date improvement for the US economy.
Choosing a specific factor for the change in never again has touched that peak level. Reason 2: US Inflation Rate had not
the price of gold will render an incomplete From December 2008 till December 2015, for significantly improved along with declining
analysis. Searching for just a single or an around seven years, the Fed rate was fixed levels of unemployment. The Fed’s target
ultimate factor – Fed interest rate policy for at 0.25 percent. The rate was deliberately rate was 2 percent but the actual inflation
determining gold’s price, results in failure. dropped after the steps taken by the Federal rate remained below than that which is one
Other factors in addition to Fed interest rate Reserve to overcome the recession. At that of the basis for Fed’s decision for interest
policy plays a significant role in gold price time, the gold price fluctuated suggesting that rate hike. The inflation rate for September
determination. The price of gold is not just even if Fed rate is constant, the gold price was 1.7 percent which improved by 0.1
a function of interest rate but other factors will change. This provides enough evidence percent in October, which was the highest in
including unemployment rate, inflation rate for the readers to believe that Fed rate is a 6 months and indicated that the economy was
and historical convention of demand and necessary but not a sufficient condition for recovering.
supply among others. Normally, the basic the change in the gold price. Upon scores of The fluctuation of gold price even when the
commodities price is the function of demand robust data and reports which indicated the Fed rate was constant has provided a basis for
and supply in the long run and so does gold. reversal of the fortunes of the US economy, investors to understand that not just the Fed
However, recent trends show that the demand the Fed rate hiked to 0.5 percent on December interest rate, but other factors like general
is the stronger component between the two. 2015. supply and demand, unemployment rate,
Reviewing US Interest Rate & Gold Prices Recent Scenario inflation rate, equity prices and volatility
Gold price reveals the US economic health. The Federal Reserve raised the federal funds and US dollar are the drivers of the price of
When gold price is high, it indicates that the rate to 1.5 percent during its December 2017 gold. However, when the Fed steps onto the
economy is unhealthy, as investors buy gold declaration. The meeting had concluded that dais and is on the verge of proclaiming the
as protection from some economic crisis. the labor market has continued to strengthen Fed Funds Rate, the whole world sits up and
Gold Close Price Fed Rate
The US recession began in December 2007 and and the economic activity has been rising at
ended in June 2009. The interest rate before an accelerating pace.
the recession touched its peak of 5.26 percent As investors braced for an expected US
in 2007 which facilitated the recession. US interest rate increase, along with getting clues
Federal Reserve then worked on reducing the about further hikes from the Federal Reserve,