Page 72 - MEX-Yearbook-2017
P. 72

Research Paper & Articles

Structured Finance in Context of

Nepalese Agriculture Sector

Nepal’s economy is predominated by the                lists of to do things for the concerned authority.  Here, a creation of agro securities would bridge
agriculture sector which is contributing one third    With the introduction of recent commodity bill, it  100 of billion worth of agriculture produced to
to the national economy and almost two-thirds of      has addressed lots of concerned requirement for     the financial market and commodity exchange
employment. These figures are massive and this        the sector and commodity exchange can perform       would provide national scale online market
also leads to the point where we need a lot of        its role in coordination with a various sector.     where a producer can be benefited with the fair
innovation in terms of more dynamic agriculture       Securitization of agricultural produced refers      price discovery process through an exchange.
ecosystem benefitting various stakeholder.            to the process of creating a receipt where          Moreover, the price discovery in the commodity
One of the key areas that we can focus is on          produced good with certain quality and grade are    exchange also complement the spot market all
the securitization (structured finance) in the        verified, certified and stored in the agriculture   over the country and any differences in the price
agriculture sector.                                   warehouse with required standard and issuing a      of spot and futures market are balanced out by the
Traditional practice is prevalent in the agro sector  receipt against such storage. This receipt can be   arbitragers who are specialized in taking benefit
but at the same time modernization also taking its    negotiable/non-negotiable which would help the      of price differences of the same product in two
own pace. However, some of the biggest hurdles        producer to obtain cheap financing facilities and   different markets. Likewise, producer/consumer
can be contributed due to lack of infrastructure in   can list their receipt in the commodity exchange    can hedge their exposure in the spot market with
the storage and grading along with access road,       where they can quote the appropriate price for      the help of position in a futures market. All these
reach to market, cheap financing making up the        their produce in the national online market.        roles played by the commodity exchange would

                               There is also the provision of
                               clearing and settlement entity
                               in the commodity market bill
                               which will ensure the financial
                               performance of any contract

                                   traded in an exchange.

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